Last Titbits of 2021, and a slight deviation from the usual format. I have chosen four themes that have come to the fore this year and found news items to match the themes. Predictions for 2022: I expect to see an increasing influence of tech, epecially AI, in cleantech and funding of renewable energy projects … Read More
carbon capture
carbon prices/ccs/green amonia/big batteries
It seems like only last week that we were celebrating the EU carbon price touching €80. This week it touched €90 briefly. This FT article highlights the cause and effect of gas crisis necessitating a shift back to coal, which leads to an increase in demand for credits, thus a price spike in carbon and rise … Read More
carbon capture/tertiary batteries/green hydrogen & focus on Net Zero strategies
This week both the Queen and Greta Thunberg (the oldest and youngest activist?) called out the leaders of the developed nations for lack of concrete action on climate change. Greta called it “decades of blah blah blah”, whilst her majesty was irritated by those “who talk but don’t do”. Company news Falck family to sell … Read More
heat network/circular fashion/CCUS/hydrogen
Celebrating the UK’s first new coal mine for 30 years?? Company news Total to buy 1,600 Source London EV chargepoints from BolloréFrench utility Total is set to acquire a major electric vehicle chargepoint network from the Balloré Group.The 1,600 strong Source London network, which partners with around 20 London Boroughs, was launched in 2010 by … Read More